Traditionally, much of L&D was organized via mandatory and lengthy classroom sessions. With the incorporation of digital tools, employees can perform a lot of the basic learning at their own time, and classroom sessions can be limited to hands-on modules, more in-depth modules, and Q&A, thus saving employee time and training funds. Follow-up should always be included to ensure that training objectives are implemented correctly into the relevant work projects. Peer-to-peer learning, social learning, mentoring and on-the-job training should also be encouraged for being part of the learning journey.
While there are training objectives within an organization that are only relevant to a small group of employees (i.e. specialized technical training) there are also objectives that are relevant to extended groups or even the whole organization. For example, the earlier mentioned Digital Transformation Process effects every employee within an organization, hence L&D has to ensure that no one is left behind. Programs can be rolled out to a small and specific audience first, and subsequently extended to the whole workforce based on their specific roles in the process. Feedback collected along the way will help to ensure that the training is as relevant as possible for each employee during this scale-up.
With technology trends moving at breakneck speed, the role of Learning & Development is long past just a supporting role within HR. Human Resources itself is changing rapidly, with many of its traditional functions being automated, outsources, or becoming outright obsolete. More and more of HR’s tasks will revolve around providing personalized ‘customer service’, with customer obviously being the organization's employees. Besides looking after the welfare of the workforce, HR has to ensure employability and peak performance capabilities by providing relevant L&D opportunities for every employee. Learning & Development Leaders have to rise to these challenges and become a strategic partner for the organization to remain agile, adapt and grow.
The good news is:: it's a process so it can be learned. If you need help in getting started please check out our hands-on course on Digital Transformation for HR Practitioners.