Dr Frank Peter’s Blog

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How often should you post for effective Social Media Marketing and Branding?

How often should you post for an effective social media branding strategy? Should you post once a day? Once a week? Once a month? Once a lifetime? Actually, it’s not based on time, it's based on how long it takes you to create high-value content. [read more...]

Business Blogging – How to do it in 3 Steps

Business Blogging is often misunderstood and undervalued. Most Fortune 500 companies have deployed blogging for their business, why should't you do the same? If it works for them it should work for your company as well.Click here to read about how business blogging can bring positive business results if done right. [read more...]

Personal and Corporate Branding thru Social Media – the What and the Who

I read quite a few articles by (some of them self-proclaimed) experts on this topic. What strikes me is that most, if not all of them focus on HOW to achieve branding, i.e. the tactical bits like profile pic, posting valuable & regular content, commenting, etc. To me, this is only of secondary importance. [read more...]

The Digital Transformation of HR

The path to success with the digital transformation of HR is not straightforward. This post is aimed at giving you some pointers on how it works. [read more...]

Learning & Development as Part of a (Digital) Transformation Strategy

The global workforce is constantly evolving to support a knowledge based, digital economy. Due to the pace of development, knowledge and skills have short shelf lives and require constant updating and reskilling. This need for a skilled workforce in response to the race to remain competitive has raised the importance of the Learning & Development (L&D) function as integral part of Human Resources (HR). [read more...]

The Future of Work - Digital Nomads and the Gig Economy

It is estimated that within a short couple of years, a large portion of the workforce (estimated to be some 50%) in developed economies will enjoy work mobility, including working remotely. This will apply mainly to knowledge workers like professionals and executives. The trend has been so widespread due to one recent virtual ‘device’ that enables every individual to work anywhere and anytime - the cloud. [read more...]

Malaysian SMEs to embrace digital, or else…

Some SMEs in Malaysia keep on standing on the sidelines, watching the waves of technological advances race by at breakneck speed. They just stand there and look, somewhat scared of what is happening all around them, but in no hurry to take part to embrace digital. Until it’s too late - the ones who ride the wave will get the business, the one who just look will drown. [read more...]

The Demand for Digital Literacy Skills

In order to enter or to stay relevant in the labor market, digital literacy is becoming almost as important as being able to read, write and count. The ever increasing use of digital technologies is constantly raising the demand for new (digital) skills. However, a substantial proportion of working adults have only [read more...]